How To Store CBD Oil: Tips to Making It Last Longer

How To Store CBD Oil: Tips to Making It Last Longer


Once you’ve discovered the wonders of CBD, you’ll likely want to make sure you are getting the most out of your product and that it lasts as long as possible.

So, what do you need to know about storing your CBD to increase its lifespan? Read on to find out!

What Is CBD?

CBD is one of over 100 phytocannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the main active component in hemp–a cannabis variety that contains the federally legal limit of THC, which is under 0.3% of the plant’s dry weight.

CBD can work within our body’s endocannabinoid system to help support our full-body well-being. It can also help ease feelings of tension and discomfort and even support restful sleep.

What Are the Benefits of CBD?

CBD can benefit your physical and mental wellbeing in a plethora of ways.

Soothes Body Tension and Discomfort

When you feel soreness or discomfort in any part of the body, the endocannabinoid system produces endocannabinoids that bind with CB receptors at the source to help bring relief.

CBD supports the endocannabinoid system in soothing tense muscles or tired joints.

Calms the Mind

If you ever feel your thoughts moving too fast or stress is getting in the way, CBD can help promote relaxation by supporting the endocannabinoid system in adapting to stress.

The endocannabinoid system can use cannabinoids to respond to high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, while the endocannabinoid anandamide can help stimulate a sense of happiness and mental wellness.

Promotes Sleep

Taking CBD can help you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. By helping relax the body and calm the mind, a dose of CBD before bedtime can help shift a restless mind – allowing you to more easily drift into sleep.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil combines CBD extract with a carrier oil, typically MCT oil or hemp seed oil. The oil helps boost the bioavailability of the CBD, as CBD is naturally fat-soluble and cannot be absorbed well into the body without a bit of fat content.

CBD oil can come in full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolated CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD contains traces of all of the hemp plants’ many beneficial compounds, while broad-spectrum contains all of hemp’s other compounds except THC. In isolated CBD, all other compounds are removed during the extraction phase, so that the final product contains only CBD; none of the terpenes, flavonoids, or other cannabinoids.

CBD oil is best absorbed when held under the tongue for 90 seconds, as this allows the oil to bypass the digestive tract and instead be absorbed directly into small blood vessels in the mouth.

CBD oil taken this way often kicks in within twenty to thirty minutes, and the effects can last for six to eight hours. If you don’t like the earthy taste of CBD oil (some people do, but it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea!), you can also mix a few drops into your favorite drink.

You won’t feel the effects of the CBD as quickly when taken this way – it’ll be closer to an hour before the CBD moves through the digestive tract and reaches the bloodstream – but you’ll get to promote long-lasting relaxation as you sip away!

How To Store CBD Oil

So, when your CBD isn’t actively being used to clear your mind or lull you to sleep, how should you store it to make sure the quality stays in tip-top shape? The main factors you want to consider are: light, air, and heat.


The same UV light capable of damaging our skin can also break down the active ingredients of CBD, rendering it useless. This is why CBD oils come in opaque bottles–for added protection.

To keep your CBD intact, store it somewhere dark, away from any windows or sunlight exposure, such as in a cabinet or dresser.


Air can expose your CBD to oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. The main concern here is the oxygen, which can erode the quality of your CBD’s active ingredients over time.

With this in mind, you’ll want to make sure you keep your oil in its airtight container and make sure you close the lid tightly after every use.


Heat can destabilize the CBD molecules responsible for CBD’s benefits. To protect your CBD oil’s active ingredients, try to keep your oil around or below room temperature (68-70% F). Keep your oil away from heat vents or ovens. And, when taking your CBD oil on the go, be mindful of how warm it may be getting in your pocket, bag, or car.

If you aren’t planning on using your CBD for a while, you may want to consider storing it in the freezer, depending on how warm it gets where you live. Cold temperatures won’t negatively affect the quality of CBD the way hotter temperatures do.

Just note, however, that you will need to wait for the CBD to thaw out before consuming again.

Should I Refrigerate My CBD Oil?

CBD oil doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge to stay good, but keeping your bottle in the fridge also won’t harm it. Just beware, the oils in CBD tend to separate when kept cold, which could give your CBD oil a cloudy appearance.

You can shake your bottle when this happens, and it should be back to normal after a few minutes sitting at room temperature!

What Is The Shelf Life of CBD?

CBD’s shelf life typically falls anywhere between 14 months and two years. If you follow the tips above, your CBD oil is likely to stay good for close to two years after opening – that is, if you haven’t enjoyed it all by then!

CBD works best if you take it consistently, so if you are getting the most out of your CBD oil and store it well between uses, you will likely finish a bottle long before it reaches the end of its shelf life.

However, if you do just dabble with CBD or use it only in response to occasional stressors or forms of physical discomfort that you, your bottle may outlive even the most ideal storage setup.

When Is It Time To Toss My CBD Oil?

Keeping your CBD oil airtight in a cool, dark place will help extend its life, but even the best-kept CBD won’t last forever. If you’ve had your CBD oil for nearly two years and the oil starts to turn darker or smell newly skunky, it is probably time to part ways.

While CBD in this form is not likely to make you sick, it won’t provide any benefits, as the active ingredients have broken down and degraded.

CBD oil will also have an expiration date on it. It’s best to follow these, although if your CBD is still looking and smelling fine even after the date on the bottle has come and gone, you could probably still get a few more uses out of it.

How To Store CBD Consumable

While consumable forms of CBD like gummies and softgels aren’t quite as fragile as CBD oil, you can still take steps to extend their shelf life.

Similarly to CBD oil, it’s best to keep your consumable CBD products cool and dry in an airtight container away from the sun. We recommend keeping your capsules in the bottle they come in.

If using a bag for CBD gummies, make sure you tightly reseal the bag after each use and transfer it to another resealable bag, if needed.

How To Store CBD Topicals

CBD topicals like balms and roll-ons are typically packaged to withstand long-term use and storage. To be on the safe side, you should still keep CBD products somewhere dry and cool.

Bottom Line

Following these guidelines when storing your CBD can help protect the quality of whichever product you use, allowing you to enjoy its benefits again and again.

At evo hemp, we only use high-quality, third-party tested, and sustainably sourced hemp for our products. Check out our shop to find our wide array of hemp and CBD products that you won’t want to skip a single day of!


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